What’s Broken On Sava

You may be under the illusion that everything works fine onboard Sava. Not true. While our autopilot is still going strong, a lot of other boat parts don’t work. Below, a comprehensive accounting of what’s broken on Sava, and some things that broke and got fixed.

Also, I am not a handy person so my explanations are very basic because that’s my level of understanding. Thankfully Brian is at a much higher level than me. If he wasn’t so handy, we wouldn’t have made it out of Florida. Brian also recommends a good resource for these jobs, the Boatowners Mechanical and Electrical Manual.


We thought we got this fixed after the engine debacle, but this freezer is finicky. A couple of times we noticed it was off and we are now very vigilant about ensuring the freezer is plugged in. We also keep the vents clean – got to get rid of the cat hair.

Yet still the temperature regularly creeps above freezing. This is understandable when we haven’t been under power or it’s cloudy, but we don’t know why the freezer doesn’t work when the solar charge is full and we run the engine.

This freezer is driving me crazy. I obsessively check the temperature, which is not easy to do. Because the freezer is strapped into our salon sofa, we have to peek under the table to see the power and temperature indicators.

A view under the salon table of our freezer indicators
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What You Should Eat in Puerto Rico

The Puerto Ricans know how to eat! We have been exploring this island and enjoying the wide variety of food and drink on offer here. Another in my series of travel food guides, here are some of our favorites so you know what you should eat in Puerto Rico.


If this isn’t the national dish of Puerto Rico, it should be. Mofongo is on almost every menu and there are so many varieties of it, it’s like the Puerto Rican version of poutine.

mofongo is a must eat in Puerto Rico
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Less than 24 Hours in San Juan

We didn’t have a lot of time to spend in Puerto Rico’s capital city but we tried to enjoy as much as we could. In less than a day, we visited 3 neighborhoods, saw some sights, and sampled the local cuisine. Here are some ideas of how you can spend less than 24 hours in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Luquillo Kioskos

Kiosk at Luquillo San Juan Puerto Rico
Kiosk #20

They aren’t in San Juan, but the kiosks are close enough that you should go if you have a car. Located right off the highway and adjacent to Luquillo Beach are more than 50 restaurant kiosks with all different kinds of food. Italian, Mexican, pizza, burgers, seafood and Puerto Rican food are only some of the options here. This is the perfect place because you will always find something you want.

We parked and walked around for a bit before making our selection. Our choice was a restaurant that looked nice, had a lot of customers who seemed to be locals, and served traditional Puerto Rican dishes, including pork and mofongo, must try Puerto Rican food.

El Terruño Kiosk #20 was perfect and the food, crispy rabbit churrasco, roast pork and a mofongo was great!

Pork at the kiosks near San Juan
Pork from El Terruño

If you go to El Yunque, the kiosks are on the way back to San Juan, so don’t miss them!

Continue reading “Less than 24 Hours in San Juan”