Spanish Lessons in Nicaragua

My experience at the Spanish school, Spanish Ya, has been great so far.  The teachers are friendly and very capable, the space is really nice, and it is very well organized and run. Here I am taking Spanish lessons in Nicaragua.

Where is the School

As I mentioned, the school is very close to my home stay, just outside the busy tourist beach town of San Juan del Sur. The classes are held outside on a veranda in the shade of some trees across the street from a small river. The weather has been great for outdoor schooling: blue skies and cool breezes!

Spanish Ya school Spanish lessons in Nicaragua
Spanish school

spanish lessons in nicaragua

Classes are 1:1, so I sit at a table across from my teacher and we work. My teacher, Loammi, only knows a few words of English but she is very good at explaining Spanish. It’s probably for the best that she doesn’t speak English as this way I am forced to communicate in Spanish all the time in class.

Another great thing about the 1:1 is the class is tailored to my needs. I took a few tests at the beginning and Loammi was able to pinpoint my strengths and weaknesses. I am also able to ask questions about the things that trouble me with the language.

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A Day At the Beach Playa Hermosa, San Juan del Sur

The first actividad (activity) offered at school was an afternoon trip to the beach! The town beach is San Juan del Sur is not much, so people take shuttles or private cars to beaches outside of town. We spent a day at the beach Playa Hermosa, which is owned privately by an eco-lodge and allows visitors for a fee of $10 US.

The drive was about 15 minutes from school/home, and it is a beautiful beach! The place is so stunning that is was used as the site of a couple seasons of Survivor, for all you reality TV fans out there.

Survivor Nicaragua signs
Survivor signs at the Playa Hermosa bar

If you want to, you can stay in the lodge at Playa Hermosa. It’s remote and far from town, but they do have a bar and restaurant. For me, it’s a good spot for a day at the beach.

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Why Am I Living in San Juan del Sur?

San Juan del Sur is a surf town on the Pacific coast just two hours drive north of Costa Rica. So, why am I here? I am living in San Juan del Sur mainly to study Spanish, but also to experience a few weeks in a beach town and hopefully get some scuba dive training in in my spare time.

About San Juan del Sur

Located on the Pacific coast of Nicaragua, in the south near Costa Rica, San Juan del Sur is 87 miles south of Managua. Known for excellent surfing, stunning mountains, and party hostels, San Juan del Sur is a vacation spot for locals and foreigners alike. While the ocean is good for surfing, I can also scuba here, although Corn Island, Nicaragua’s Caribbean claim, is more known for scuba.

Living Space in San Juan del Sur

I am living with a family two doors down from the school, as arranged by the school, which is great. I get to live cheap in a convenient location, 3 meals a day, and I practice my Spanish with the large family in whose house I rent a room. Here’s more about my homestay in San Juan del Sur.

Daily Schedule

My schedule Monday – Friday (today was Day 2 of 3 weeks):

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