So my host family does not seem interested in the Olympics, unless the soccer is on. I have seen them watch a really bad Adam Sandler movie (is saying “really bad” in front of “Adam Sandler movie” redundant? you decide), and two different Colombian shows so far. This is another reason, besides the heat, that I do not hang out much in the living room. This is what I have learned from watching my host family watch Colombian TV.
Caso Cerrado
Early in the evening, for what feels like 2 or 3 hours after I return from volunteering, the show of choice is “Caso Cerrado” which means “Case Closed” in Spanish. This is a Judge Judy type of show, except apparently she’s a doctor! – of law, only they seem to incorporate random circus-like stunts whenever they feel like. Or maybe I misunderstood? One time, a man was told to pick a card from a deck of cards. I don’t know what happened after that. It was ridiculous and I stopped watching. I get the sense from googling that these strange interjections are par for the course. Check out the photo pulled from the web with a guy in a Tin Man costume!

They also watch a primetime show, which seems to be on every night, called “Desafio” and is like Survivor crossed with American Gladiator (who remembers that show?). I literally googled “Colombian Survivor like show” to get the title and jackpot! This is a long running show in Colombia and this season appears to be unique in the steroids aspect. It’s got tons of contestants divided into teams and they all appear to be bodybuilders.

Hence the name for the season, “Superhumans” (Super Humanos here). It involves a lot of standing around in skimpy outfits showing off muscles and occasionally some very difficult strength testing competitions. Ugh, which reminds me, I haven’t worked out since I’ve been here! It’s been soooo hot and there are no gyms around this neighborhood. I am going to have to make some bus trips to el centro for some exercise soon.
Not Watching The Olympics
I don’t know if The Olympics aren’t available on their TV because they do seem to have cable. I also don’t want to ask because if they like these shows a lot it’s their house and their TV and I don’t need to watch Olympics. Plus, I am fine without Bob Costas anyway. Seriously, I am a fan of TV shows I can’t completely understand. If they seem crappy when I can’t understand, they’d probably be way worse if I could!
I’ll let you know about any new Colombian TV shows we start watching. Obviously I don’t have control of the remote.
Well obviously cultural or stimulating shows are not part of Colombian tv. Hope you have a good book!
I wouldn’t say that Pat! This just happens to be what they’ve been watching in my house!
Melinda, I am enjoying the blog. Sounds like a great experience.