Living and traveling on a sailboat means we don’t always have control over our time or our destinations. That’s how we ended up sailing the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.
sailors rule: don’t make plans. they’ll change
We intended to head to Eleuthera after Nassau but the wind disagreed. When sailing, the wind wins most arguments. We wanted to leave on Tuesday and the wind forecast for the entire week was from the east. Eleuthera is due east, while the Exumas are southeast. Since we wanted to leave Nassau this week, we came to Exumas.

Our route
We spent one night anchored in Norman’s Cay, one night in Shroud Cay, followed by a night in Hawksbill Cay, and last night in Warderick Wells. The last three are part of the beautiful Exumas Cays Land and Sea Park, now one of my favorite parks in the world.
respect the environment
As a scuba diver and a lover of our planet, I am so impressed by the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park. There is no fishing allowed, and all the wildlife is protected. In creating this preserve in the 1950s, Bahamas created the first ever land and sea protected park, and I salute them for it.

They charge small fees to use either the mooring balls or to anchor in the park, but it is well worth the price. It’s the first outdoor place I have been in some time where I have seen no trash. That is sad, but I prefer to focus on the wondrousness of this beautiful island chain. 5 STARS! Highly Recommend!

no internet but so much beauty!
For two days in the park we had very little or no internet access but I was willing to give up internet for the beauty, nature, hikes and swims in this wonderful park. The photos don’t do it justice. Every time I look around at the varied blues and greens my mouth drops open just a little.

exploring the park
The weather has been glorious and we’ve made some friends on our dinghy adventures. Taking dinghy rides to beautiful beaches, cliffside trails with stunning views, and mangrove lined waterways are among my favorite things to do.
In Shroud Cay we went on a dinghy ride through mangroves to the sea and a nice hike up a hill with a couple from Wisconsin. Climbing the cairn at Hawksbill, we met a couple from Maryland and walked through a natural mangrove nursery.
To be in a place where these beautiful life-giving trees grow in abundance completely unspoiled is uplifting.

In Warderick Wells, after an uphill hike to Boo Boo Hill, with blowholes and a gorgeous 360 view, we snorkeled amidst a variety of fish just a few minutes swim from our boat mooring. We also were visited last night by a large and beautiful black stingray. Thank you Bahamas.

This will always be one of my favorite places on earth. Thanks to the wind and weather for our change in plans because I will never forget sailing the Exuma Cays Land and Sea Park.