Since this blog is mainly a travel blog, I haven’t written since my return to Toronto two months ago. Here’s an update on how I’m keeping busy in Toronto.
I applied for two jobs since I got back. Neither panned out, probably from a combo of over and under-experience. I am not trying to do anything related to past careers. Both jobs had one thing in common: cycling; and neither contacted me. It got me to thinking and I had an idea! I am starting my own cycling related business.
Cycle Tours TO
Yes, I am an entrepreneur. I named my business Cycle Tours TO and, using Bike Share, I lead tours through west end Toronto neighborhoods, including my own. The tour is extensive because these neighborhoods are full of history, art and fun events. When you visit the city, I’ll give you a friends and family rate on a tour. The weather is beautiful this week so do a tour with me!
Starting a Business is Hard
So far, it’s not easy. I am trying to get listed as an experience on AirbnB, but there’s a 3 week review process. One week down. I’ve posted as a PWYC offering on Couchsurfing. Yesterday, 3 people signed up, but none showed.
Today, I spent a few hours cycling around Toronto dropping off postcards to different hostels. I biked 20KM and went to 9 hostels. Maybe I’ll get a couple emails! Hope so!
Do What You Love
I love cycling around Toronto. And I love learning about and sharing my love of Toronto and all the great things to do and see here. I have been on lots of tours of different cities, and know what I like to hear about those cities and am trying to incorporate these experiences into my tour.
Here are some photos from my visits to the hostels today. I talked with staff at each hostel and they were generally friendly and supportive, so hopefully they will send some business my way.
After today, I can recommend which hostels in Toronto to stay in and which to avoid. There’s one particularly grotty one I almost didn’t leave cards it was so disturbing.
West End Toronto Bike Tour
The tour will go through Trinity Bellwoods Park and the famous white squirrel, down to Liberty Village, and The Waterfront, and of course, Ossington.

This weekend is a holiday weekend and the weather looks good so maybe I’ll get some customers, starting tomorrow at 11am. I am getting outside, talking to people, and riding my bike. If anything, running a bike tour is a fun way of keeping busy in Toronto.