Setting Up Our Sailboat Sava

Our first days on Sava have been very busy. We’ve had a chance to check her out and learn what is working and what isn’t, or just learn how things work. We spent the last couple of days docked at Boynton Harbor Marina while we shopped and fixed up the boat. We’ve been getting inspired by quotes about sailing but now it’s real! Here’s what it’s been like for two newbies setting up our sailboat Sava.

OMG the learning curve

Sava has a lot of equipment which we’re trying to understand. We’ve learned which switches need to be switched to get the water flowing, how to pump out the showers so the water drains properly, where the propane needs to be turned to work the barbecue and stove, and why the barbecue works but the stove doesn’t. We’ve also learned that a coffee addiction is not one to ignore. Priorities. Finally, and maybe most importantly, we’ve learned that we have a lot to learn about our new boat!

Continue reading “Setting Up Our Sailboat Sava”

First Days On Board

We made it to Florida and on Sava and have been living aboard for two days and nights. The adventure has already begun! Here is what it’s been like in our first days on board our new-to-us 46 foot sailboat.

Learning The ICW

Continue reading “First Days On Board”

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