Domino was one of my biggest concerns before this big move onto our sailboat. She is proof positive of why not to waste time worrying: she is a very easygoing cat and has adapted well to living on board Sava! Domino’s first month as a boat cat is a success.
Domino’s Travels
Domino has been on one plane, train, taxi, boat, and many cars. She has stayed on Sava and 3 condos and my mom’s house. No complaints. Yay Domino!
Domino on The Boat
On the boat, her favorite place – BY FAR – is our bed. That is not a big change from when we lived in a house. She is always there, under the covers, when Sava is moving and usually when the engine is on even when we’re not moving.
Continue reading “Domino’s First Month”