Things to Do in San Juan del Sur: Pools with a View at Pelican Eyes Resort

I have found an alternative to taking a bus to the beach on a weekday afternoon in San Juan del Sur. It involves walking up the hill from town to lounge in the pools at Pelican Eyes Resort. I went to the resort twice to enjoy the pools and the view. While uphill, I personally don’t think it’s that bad a walk, but you can also get a taxi to take you – it can’t cost much. However you get there, you will enjoy relaxing for the day at Pelican Eyes Resort.

pools with a view at Pelican Eyes Resort
Infinity Pool at Pelican

How I found pelican eyes resort

The first time I visited Pelican Eyes was to drop off the school supplies for Pack for A Purpose. This hotel serves as the drop-off point for the Jean Brugger Foundation, even if most of the employees at the reception area don’t know it!

beautiful resort

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