Mistakes And Mishaps: Lessons Learned Sailing Sava

Here’s another edition of the things we’ve done wrong on our boat. Everybody makes mistakes, and we’ve made some whoppers. We’re learning from our mistakes and we’ll take these lessons learned to heart so we don’t repeat them.

We Lost our Dinghy

We will never forget the night we made friends with Dennis and Karen. When we were in Nevis and went to Sunshine’s Beach bar we introduced ourselves to them when they rode up on their dinghy. We had a few drinks and chatted at the bar and then it was time to return to Sava. When we got back to the beach, our dinghy wasn’t there! We had thrown down the anchor on the sand when we arrived and the dinghy was nowhere to be seen.

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Impressions of The Virgin Islands

I have to get used to moving. A big part of cruising is moving, always visiting somewhere new, but I feel like we are not spending enough time in the places we visit. There are so many islands and so much to do and see on each of them that I know we are missing out by not seeing more.

It’s common for any traveller to have these emotions, this fear of missing out. We are fortunate: most people are in The Virgin Islands for a week on vacation and then have to go home. I have to get more in the mindset of enjoying what we see instead of regretting what we miss. In that spirit, here are my top impressions of The Virgin Islands.

Loving the Virgin Islands

5 Impressions of The Virgin Islands

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Less than 24 Hours in San Juan

We didn’t have a lot of time to spend in Puerto Rico’s capital city but we tried to enjoy as much as we could. In less than a day, we visited 3 neighborhoods, saw some sights, and sampled the local cuisine. Here are some ideas of how you can spend less than 24 hours in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Luquillo Kioskos

Kiosk at Luquillo San Juan Puerto Rico
Kiosk #20

They aren’t in San Juan, but the kiosks are close enough that you should go if you have a car. Located right off the highway and adjacent to Luquillo Beach are more than 50 restaurant kiosks with all different kinds of food. Italian, Mexican, pizza, burgers, seafood and Puerto Rican food are only some of the options here. This is the perfect place because you will always find something you want.

We parked and walked around for a bit before making our selection. Our choice was a restaurant that looked nice, had a lot of customers who seemed to be locals, and served traditional Puerto Rican dishes, including pork and mofongo, must try Puerto Rican food.

El Terruño Kiosk #20 was perfect and the food, crispy rabbit churrasco, roast pork and a mofongo was great!

Pork at the kiosks near San Juan
Pork from El Terruño

If you go to El Yunque, the kiosks are on the way back to San Juan, so don’t miss them!

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