Our Saint Lucia Favorites

We spent 3 weeks exploring St. Lucia this November. It’s a modern island with lots of amenities, from shopping to restaurants and tons of outdoor activities. Three weeks may seem like a long time, but we had a lot to do and enjoyed our time there. This post details our Saint Lucia favorites so you have an idea of what you should do when you go.

Glad We Visited Saint Lucia

As cruisers, we have a few resources and guides designed just for us. Brian likes an app where people review anchorages, and everybody has a guide book that can be “biased” by advertisers. We’ve learned to take the advice of other cruisers we know over any other source and Saint Lucia exemplifies why.

When we were in Martinique last spring, we debated where to go next. Because of some bad reviews in Active Captain about crime and aggressive boat boys, we were thisclose to skipping Saint Lucia outright. Then I saw a fellow cruiser’s very positive instagram post from Marigot Bay and we changed our plans, for the better.

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More Grenada Highlights

After three months on this beautiful island, Brian and I have had time to check out a lot of fun activities. Here are some more Grenada highlights to enjoy when you visit the Spice Island.

Friday Night Steel Band at Tiki Bar

The Prickly Bay Marina Tiki Bar provides such good entertainment that it draws a crowd of locals and cruisers most nights.

steel band more Grenada Highlights
New Dimensions steel band playing at The TIki Bar
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How to Spend A Week in Martinique

Martinique ranks at the top of the list of islands we’d love to revisit. We spent a week in Martinique, enjoyed the crystal clear waters, delicious French cuisine, and fun culture, and we will be happy to return. Here are my recommendations on how to spend a week in Martinique.

Grand Anse Martinique
Grand Anse view
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