Christmas in Australia

For our sixth year living on the boat, we’re spending the holidays in another new place. It’s always fun to see how people celebrate holidays in other countries. This year, we’re spending Christmas in Australia, enjoying another warm holiday.

Stores stocked their shelves with Christmas products well before November. By month’s end, towns and shops followed with their trees and decorations. Here’s a brief description of some of the sights and traditions of Christmas in Australia.

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Cruising New South Wales

We, like many other sailors in Australia before us, aspire to spend our holidays in Sydney. To do that, we needed to get from Townsville in October to Sydney in December. And cruising New South Wales is quite different from cruising in Queensland. While the coast is beautiful and some of the anchorages are lovely, Queensland spoiled us, aside from the catastrophes.

Our Route Cruising New South Wales

We spent almost two and a half weeks cruising the 430 miles from Gold Coast to Sydney, where we’ll spend the holidays.

Sydney Harbor bridge and Opera House
It was exciting to sail into Sydney Harbor

From Gold Coast we sailed to Yamba, from Yamba to Coffs Harbor followed by Port Macquarie. From Port (as it’s called), we sailed to Broughton Islands for one night, before moving on to stop in Newcastle. Our friend Greg sailed straight from Newcastle to Sydney, but Brian and I wanted to explore some other ports, so we extended our trip.

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Magical Magnetic Island

One of the top things to do if you make it to Townsville, Queensland is a trip to nearby magical Magnetic Island. It’s an ideal destination if you like beaches, parks, swimming, fishing, hiking or wildlife.

Getting to Magnetic Island

I accidentally called it Magical Island a couple of times because it really felt that way to me. The locals call it “Maggie” so maybe that’s why I got confused. We anchored in Horseshoe Bay for two nights, and sailed to Townsville in a couple of hours, but the ferry is even quicker. It runs regularly from the Townsville waterfront and takes about 30 minutes. Once you’re on Magnetic Island, there’s so much to see and do!

Horseshoe Bay in Magical Magnetic Island
Horseshoe Bay Anchorage in Magnetic Island

Amenities on Magnetic Island

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